Meet a user – kjlov

kjlov Geocacher since: April 20th, 2011 user since: May 19th, 2014 Number of finds: 3 219 Number of trips: 4 Favorite cache type: Lab Favorite print template: Simple list with icons and coordinates Home county:  Trøndelag Norway What’s your caching style? Due to an injured leg, it’s mostly caches along roads and paths, but Read more…

Meet a user – anirt

anirt Geocacher since: March 29th, 2013 user since: May 5th, 2015 Number of finds: 2 898 Number of trips: 4 Favorite cache type: Traditional Favorite print template: Detailed, left aligned – EiFlei+anirt Version Home county:  Buskerud  Norway How is your caching style? Trips in as many new municipalities as possible. Likes to see Read more…