Black Friday 2019

…just like any other day of the year  Black Friday all year long! In Norway, more and more shops have what they call “Black Friday the whole week”, even though there’s only one Friday in a week… But we do better than that. We have the same low price all Read more…


Happy summer!

The summer is finally here (at least in Norway, sorry Australia)! That means caching season. We hope that you will enjoy the summer, go on lots of trips and find lots of great caches. And of course we hope that you use to plan those trips  It’s caching season Read more…

We’re retiring public trips

A lot has happened since started almost 5 years ago. And a lot that made sense back then, doesn’t make sense anymore. One of the things that doesn’t make sense anymore, is public trips. So we’re retiring them. Why? When started, we were a small and local tool. Read more…