We are looking for new ambassadors to help us grow cachetur.no, keep our help center maintained, write blog posts, help answer support requests, help promote cachetur.no, and participate in discussions about the future of cachetur.no.
Before you consider suggesting yourself or someone else, please read through the information below.
This is unpaid volunteer work
All ambassadors, and developers, volunteer their time. Without pay, and without compensation.
We need active ambassadors
Cachetur.no relies on its ambassadors regularly fulfilling their responsibilities. We do not expect you to be available 24/7 and know that you have lives (and caching) as well, but we need to know we can count on your continued participation.
Ambassador responsibilities
The following responsibilities are listed in order of importance. Keep in mind that we never expect all ambassadors to do everything.
Ambassadors participate in our Slack workspace, where we discuss new features, bugs, and administrative issues.
We rely on the input of our ambassadors to make our decisions. You help shape the future of cachetur.no.
Support and documentation
Ambassadors help respond to requests from users, whether through our internal support system, Facebook, Twitter, or elsewhere.
Ambassadors also help keep our Help Center up-to-date.
Marketing and promotion
Ambassadors help promote cachetur.no in a variety of ways: events, social media, geocache logs, blogs, and other places that might be beneficial to cachetur.no.
Moderation and quality control
Ambassadors serve as cachetur.no’s quality control by deactivating, approving, and archiving trip templates and RV sites. Ambassadors also edit event times.
Ambassadors instruct courses and workshops on the use of cachetur.no and its features.
*It is not expected that all ambassadors instruct courses.
We intend to work with as many other geocaching organizations, events, podcasts, shops etc. as we can.
Ambassadors can be a great resource here, and help create and maintain partnerships and cooperation.
Some ambassadors participate in development of the cachetur.no app and the Cachetur Assistant.
Still interested?
Do you think you have what it takes? Are you ready to volunteer your time to cachetur.no?
Reach out to us on Slack and let us know!