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This blog post is our monthly(-ish) newsletter style blog post (although it’s a while since we published the previous one). has always been open, and to ensure that we stay open we want to use this newsletter to share information about what’s going on.

Recent changes

We’ve done a lot of minor improvements since the previous As the Cache Turns. If you’ve had a look at our changelog, you might have noticed some of them. Of the larger items on the list, we have the feature for custom parking for use in route.

Custom parking dialog

We’ve also made several improvements in the app, like picture upload on checklists, notes and task answer. You can also mark waypoints as checkpoints, and find a list of nearby RV sites in the app.

The largest change we’ve made, is adding a brand new logging feature.

We still have a lot of work remaining, but it is possible to log finds from a trip through now! More information about this will come after we’ve finished adding all we want to add.

You can read the entire changelog here.

Things we’re working on now

We’re focused on finishing the new logging tool this month. A lot of great logging tools already exist, so our focus is on making a tool for our users – who plan their trips on And especially geared towards those that don’t log in the field.

Things we intend to work on soon

The goal is to use the fall/winter to improve trip templates, and incorporate tools to make planning and finding GeoTours easier.

We hope to be able to meet more of our users at events around the world, host more workshops and help more people learn how to get the most out of Do you want us to come talk at your event? Contact us!

Our economy

Running require a constant focus on our expenses, we want to provide you the best service we can, but we can’t consume more services than we are able to pay for.

2019 started very well, but we are not reaching our donation goals now. We need continued support to be able to continue operating Thank you to all of you that have contributed!

Remember that all of us that work on this site (and app), including developer and all ambassadors, do this for free in our spare time. does not pay anyone 🙂Positive feedback is the only pay we get, so please, do give us the feedback you think we deserve.

This post is also available in: Norsk bokmål (Norwegian Bokmål) Deutsch (German)


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