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What’s even better than geocaching? Geocaching with friends!
Say you’ve planned a fun day out and want to invite a friend or two. Cachetur makes it easy! Just scroll down to “participants” and invite as many friends as you like. You can adjust the participation role to fit the situation:
- Co-host: Automatically receives all privileges when participating
- Participant: Has ordinary privileges, may participate, print, and clone
- Observer: Limited access
You can invite anyone who is registered for cachetur (you do not need to be friends on
Invitations must be accepted to access the trip
Or perhaps you would like to plan a trip together with friends? Cachetur makes it easy! Just invite as a co-host or participant. A co-host can add caches to the trip; a participant can suggest caches and add comments. Not sure what dates work for everyone? Participants and co-hosts can suggest and vote for trip dates.
You might even use Cachetur to arrange a meet up with friends from far away, as a few users recently did at the Going Ape mega event!
Cachetur ambassador twlare, board member heltinnen, and Geocaching mascot Signal the Frog with developer thomfre.
Imagine being out in nature, trying to find a cache, and it feels like you have been searching for ages. What are the possibilities for getting help? Yes, you could search the logs for people who have found this cache before, and who you might contact for help. This is easy enough to do, but and the mobile app can do much more for you. Once you allow to see your friends on, and allow third party apps to see your finds, the mobile app will display not only which of your friends have logged that cache, but also the date, so that you can see who you might want to contact, without having to use any data on your phone. If you have data, you can drill down and see their found log. The Friends information is downloaded when the trip is updated in the app. Of course, this information is also available during the planning of the trip so that you might get some extra hints on the difficult ones before heading out.
Find the app by searching for “ Trip Assistant” in the App Store or Google Play Store.
Did you know…
… will be at some upcoming mega-events? Right now, there are plans for talks at GeoCoinFest EU in Manchester in England, and at FAD2019 in Lidköping in Sweden. And we are always looking out for other events that might want us to show what can do for your geocaching trips.
… ambassadors will be guests on the GeoGearHeads podcast on September 5th? Tune in, listen and learn, particularly if you are looking for a fast start with using
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Deutsch (German)