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Team Karlsen
Geocacher since: November 7th, 2009
User on since: May 19th, 2014
Number of finds: 8 073
Number of trips: 20
Number of trip templates: 3
Favorite cache type: Mystery
Home region:  Troms  Norway

What’s your caching style?

I mostly like everything about geocaching. Long mountain hikes and short trips in my surrounding areas. Often plan daytrips with roadside caches and in the mountains. But tree climbing is my favorite.

Tell us a bit about your last trip

Planned a trip for the six most northern municipals of Troms, and the three most southern municipals of Finnmark. Started on Monday and kept on for three days with nonstop caching. I had 101 caches to find on my list, ended up with some more and a few DNF’s.

The trip was done in beautiful weather with many flies as company.

Got to see many new places that I’ve never cached in before.

Why do you create Trip templates?

I use them to create trips in the area around Harstad before the Vikingevent in 2019, so people that are coming up here can have templates to use.

I will expand them gradually so that more people can choose these trips.

Which feature on are you most happy about?

The map which shows where the caches are placed. Makes it easier to plan from my mobile phone.

What functionality do you emphasise when talking about to people who do not use

Planning the route and the ability to get an overview through Project-GC of municipalities that you lack. Calculation of costs when there are more on a trip. The new app is perfect for the actual implementation. Several cachers may participate in the planning before the trip starts.

Why do you use

It makes the drive and or cache trip much easier.

What is the most important thing does for you?

Makes nice printouts that I can use to take notes as I find caches and keep track, to reduce me pressing on both my phone and GPS.

How has helped you plan trips with others?

Great way to get an idea of which caches we will take on a route, especially when we need different D / T combinations.

How did the app help you on your trip?

This was amazing on my last trip, where I constantly used the navigation between each cache, worked amazingly. Helped me by saving a lot of time and that gave a great feeling, I will use this app on a lot of trips.

This post is also available in: Norsk bokmål (Norwegian Bokmål) Deutsch (German)