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Geocacher sinceApril 20th, 2011 user sinceMay 19th, 2014
Number of finds: 3 219
Number of trips: 4
Favorite cache type: Lab
Favorite print template: Simple list with icons and coordinates
Home county:  Trøndelag Norway

What’s your caching style?

Due to an injured leg, it’s mostly caches along roads and paths, but I some times venture into more damanding terrain in company with other cachers. I enjoy participating on local, regional and national events, and also international ones. I try to go on a longer trip once or twice a year.

Tell us a bit about your last trip

My last trip was to the Vikingevent at Tromøya. I created a trip, but was a bit to optimistic and only managed to find a fraction of the ones I was hoping to find.

Which feature on are you most happy about?

The dashboard which provides a good opportunity to get an outline, news and the option to choose among all the options.

Why do you contribute financially to

Because I feel that this is an important tool, and a good initiativ, that many people can benefit from.

Something else you want to say?

I wish to say that there has been done an solid and good job in making this tool. I’m simply impressed on what the developer have been able to create here. Looking forward to see what’s next.

This post is also available in: Norsk bokmål (Norwegian Bokmål) Deutsch (German)