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Deutsch (German) is used by a lot of different types of geocachers. With different needs, and very different caching styles. We will run a blog post series over the next weeks, presenting some of our users and how and why they use
We hope this will help showcase what you can do with, and explain a bit why we are so feature rich. And maybe this even can help inspire you?
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Geroannie Geocacher since: March 21st 2016 user since: August 9th 2016 Number of finds: 3,358 Number of trips: 79 Favorite cache type: ![]() Favorite print template: Detailed, left aligned – default Home region: ![]() ![]() |
How is your caching style?
Tell us a bit about your last trip
The last trip was planned by Contiper – he had a 393 day streak and therefore wanted to travel to Torsnes to find at least one cache of reybr, who stopped streaking on 393 days. It started as a morning trip, and ended up almost becoming a day trip (as it often does). As usual we did not manage to just stick to the pri 1 caches. When the route was planned, I checked for solved mystery caches along the route.
I was with richardo7, MrEvensen and Contiper on a 4-day trip, where the main goal was GC40 as well as some webcams and virtuals. Here I really saw how useful is to help us ensure that we find all the priority 1 caches in the time we have, by sticking to the schedule. Time flies when looking for caches, and by sticking to the plan we got what we wanted – and if we had time left, we could stop for some extra caches along the way.
Which feature on are you most happy about?
ETA calculation and displaying the route on the map via the Cachetur Assistant. Makes it easy to check if there are any other goodies right near a planned route. Or if any previously solved mysteries are close to a trip that others have planned.
It’s also easy to create lists on the geocaching app that I transfer caches to from, making them available offline. There are many places where there is poor coverage, or no coverage at all.
On the “GC40 trip”, MrEvensen registered all the expenses each of us had, continuously in the cost sharing feature. When the trip was complete and everything was posted, suggested who should pay what and to whom – clever.
Why do you use
Some of the fun of caching trips is the planning itself – you add caches, remove caches and change the order. This is much easier to do using And if you don’t plan alone, you can work together even if you are not physically in the same place or time. You can enter usolved mysteries, so someone else in the group can solve it, and then they can enter corrected coordinates and a comment if they wish.
Why do you contribute financially to
When I get such a fantastic planning tool, that others spend time and money on, I have to give something back of course.
How did the app help you on your trip?
Easy access to the planned caches. And when the cache was found, I marked arrival and everything was updated. I also got a status that showed how I was in relation to the planned schedule – super.
Something else you want to say?
Thank you very much for a great planning tool and an app (or prints) that work well in the field. I still have a lot to learn and there is a lot on that I have not yet tested.
This post is also available in:
Norsk bokmål (Norwegian Bokmål)
Deutsch (German)