Updated terms

We have updated our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy in preparation for GDPR. Your privacy is important to us. We have always taken this seriously, and done what we can to minimize storage of personal information, use of cookies and sending of email. Everyone will have to accept Read more…

Planetary Pursuit – Winner

We got only 6 contributions in the Planetary Pursuit contest. With participation so low, we might end up not doing contests like this again. We used random.org to draw a winner, and the winner is ulf_pedersen with this picture: #cacheturno #Ignis #letfundet #geocaching #geocachingdenmark A post shared by Ulf Pedersen Read more…

We want your ideas!

We always enjoy listening to feedback and ideas from our users. We don’t always have time to implement everything right away, but everything is registered in our internal project management system. Not easy to know what others have suggested It’s not easy to know if something you want to suggest Read more…

Planetary Pursuit

There’s still a few days left of the Planetary Pursuit. And we want to do a quick contest. The main prize will be a Planetary Pursuit geocoin. To participate, simply do one or both of the following: Upload a photo of your Planetary Pursuit cachetur.no printout, with a nice view, Read more…

APRIL FOOLS: Automatic solving of mystery caches, wherigo caches etc.

Are you tired of difficult mystery caches, reverse-wherigo caches, puzzles etc? We have the solution you need! We have just released AutoSolve. AutoSolve allows you to automagically solve the most common mystery/wherigo/multi/letterbox caches. The function will automatically update the corrected coordinates, and you can easily transfer them to geocaching.com if Read more…